Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"To the Poets of Old" (Poem #2)

"To the Poets of Old"

I sit and read of poets of 300 years past,
and I can't help but rule that they need to get laid.
Why else would they Write poems of loving hard and fast
to convince their mistresses that such love be repaid.

It's not even that their words themselves seem false,
or their love untrue, or their poetry not avante garde,
But still I think their efforts need be repulsed,
because even back then, one could try too hard.

Carey, Donne, Marvell, your ladies all balked,
but while with poems your pretties you wooed,
I'd bet twenty bucks that while you talk-talked
she was getting it on with some other dude.


  1. Wow, this poem threw me for a loop. It looks traditional and has a rhyme scheme, but the words are new and fresh. I really like that with every line I did not know what to expect, but wanted to read on. I like the irony at the end of the poem and your short and sweet poem makes a lot of sense to me!

  2. Hilarious and so true. I'd hate to be the subject of such love poems; honestly, how can any woman live up to such unrealistic expectations? These poets were so busy feeding off their muse for inspiration, I doubt they loved the woman more than their own creation.
